Golden Retriever Puppies Adoption Info

Submitted by: Adam J Bradley

Responsible adoption ingrains a sense of belonging in a hearthless waif s heart and in turn fills the adopter s with a feeling of immense satisfaction. If you are one of the many Golden Retriever fans and want to get a cute little Golden pup home, consider adopting one. Yes, there are many Goldens that have been rendered homeless for some or the other reason. Adopting Golden Retriever puppies would not only fulfill your dream of getting home the fabulous Golden Retriever, but would also help you do a good deed.

As you begin the process of Golden Retriever puppies adoption, you should inquire with the local animal shelters and rescue societies. You can also go for the online puppies adoption services. Some sources that might help you:,,,, American humane society.

But before you actually bring home a pup, you must bear in mind that a pup needs a lot of love and care and patience. You will have to devote long hours in looking after your pup till it attains the age where it can be on its own. Also, you will need to train and discipline your pup so that it grows into a well-mannered dog. Golden pups are super cute. But they are super active and energetic too. So you might end up finding your shoes, furniture, carpet and other things in the house soiled or chewed up. You will have to be really patient with them, until they learn how to behave.


To begin with, the first thing you will want your pup to know is where and when to empty its bladder. Pups can t really hold as their bowel movements are not fully developed. You will have to regularly take your pup out after every meal and at frequent intervals. It is believed that a pup can hold for 1 hour for every month of its age, i.e. a 2 months old pup will need to excrete every 2 hours. Every time you take it out, you should command the pup to empty out . Be sure to do it at the same time and at the same place every time. The pup won t understand or obey initially. But Goldens are intelligent and learn fast. A few days of training will make it into a habit.

Also, you should have plenty of puppy toys to keep your pup busy. By keeping it occupied you will indirectly make it understand that it should not play with other things in the house. It is advisable to have small 10-15 minutes training sessions with your pup, 2-3 times a day, to make it understand and follow commands like sit , stay , go , come , no , heel , etc. This will ease up the process of disciplining the naughty baby into a well groomed one.

If you have small kids in the house, ensure that they don t abuse the pup for fun or out of irritation. Also, you should take care that the pup doesn t harm the baby if it s very young.

Apart from being a reservoir of love and patience, you will also need to take some concrete steps to ensure the health and well-being of your pup. It is a must to get your pup thoroughly examined by a vet at frequent intervals and get it vaccinated as prescribed. It is advisable to get a pup medically examined before adopting so that you know if the pup has any health problems or requires any special care. This will also ensure that you don t end up adopting a diseased puppy.

Go ahead, adopt responsibly and relish the golden moments of seeing your Golden growing up.

About the Author: Nelson Williams and his family live in Vermont.He brought home the first Golden Retriever when his now grown daughters were babies. His family has bred and cared for more Golden Retrievers than they can remember. Nelson writes about puppies:

. With years of experience and volumes of research, the Williams offer you ‘Secrets of Raising Golden Retrievers’, for free:



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